Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Thinking of Becoming a Chef - 5 Things to Consider When Choosing a College

For those who love spending time in the kitchen and are devoted passionately to serving culinary delights, becoming a chef is a lucrative option. It is a highly demanding yet extremely rewarding career that offers the freedom to be creative. For a successful career in this field, one will have to give hard work, dedication, and patience. So before you dive into it, you should consider various factors to know if this is the right career path for you.

The responsibilities of a chef constitute many different tasks such as hiring, training, and supervising the staff, coming up with new dishes, curating the menu, and crafting customer experience. There are two to four-year college degree options in culinary arts which can give you a break into the hospitality industry.

Mastering the Culinary Arts

Cooking shows are a guilty pleasure for many and they would have given you an insight into what goes on in a professional kitchen. The kitchen is managed by the head chef, often called the master chef or chef de cuisine. Next are the sous chefs, second-in-command in the kitchen, who implement the head chef’s orders. A chef de partie is responsible for supervising a particular station within the kitchen and the last in order is usually the commis, a novice fresh out of culinary school who works under the chef de partie.

If you feel that the kitchen is your calling, read on to know more about how to choose for yourself the best culinary institute in India:

● Industry Experts as Faculty

The best culinary schools in India boast of a diverse lineup of accomplished professionals from the industry who train and guide the chosen few to success. Premier institutes maintain a healthy student to faculty ratio to foster creativity and enable individual mentoring.

● Hands-on Learning and Holistic Education

A healthy mix of classroom and experiential learning makes for a fulfilled educational experience. Several institutes have student-staffed restaurants on campus as well as a robust placement cell that helps students find internships and job opportunities. A range of food-focused academic courses is also offered for those who want to focus on knowledge along with skill.

● Accreditation and Connections

India has a host of accredited hospitality colleges with culinary programs that are recognized on a national or regional level for the quality of education. These colleges share strong networks with accomplished institutes across countries. The Indian school of Hospitality (ISH) is a renowned institute affiliated with the EHL network of Certified Schools and is known for its swiss connection.

● Campus Environment

The best culinary colleges in India offer a complete campus experience to the students with a diverse community, various activities and clubs, and a comfortable lodging facility. A campus environment bustling with energy makes this challenging journey easier and enjoyable.

● Success and Benefits

It is debatable whether a college education promises a successful career. One way of looking at this is through the alumni network that indicates the excellence of the institute. Looking at the alumni and their career trajectory will give you an estimate of the kind of returns you should be seeking on your investment through the earnings you can expect to make after college. Some programs require students to undergo internships or externships and earn course credit while working in a restaurant.

A leading institution in the industry, the Indian School of Hospitality is a premier institute for gaining distinguished experience in culinary art. At ISH, the curriculum for culinary arts course offers a combination of a contemporary hands-on culinary program balanced between theory and practice, the hallmarks of a successful culinary training program.

With a Career in Foodservice, You Can Go Anywhere.

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